Our simply solution instead an expensive and
elaborate way.

The unique digital transfer bow system.
A combination of hardware and software by using an intra oral scanner
and a modified classical transfer bow, which completed and closed the gap
in the digital workflow.

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On IDS 2023

The IDS Dream team

On the test stand

Live scanning of interested visitors. A great symbiosis together with TeamZiereis and 3shape

Professional visitors

At the booth, the first doctors and dental technicians had the chance to work directly with the modules and enjoy the simple workflow.

The world premiere

Continuous interest kept the whole SAM-IDS-team showing and explaining this exemptional innovation.
The axioprisa concept was and is a huge success. Visitors were enthusiastic and showed great interest.

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What is AXP?

The missing link

The first bridge from patient to digital scans without CBCT, Face scans or Lab scans.
One more intraoral scan is sufficient to position your scans in an anatomical position and use them in your CAD/CAM software.


The scanning process is a well-known procedure. You have just to make one more step: a second / additional upper scan.
At the end, you just need to create a *.stl or *.ply file of your scanned jaws.


Use the transfer bow, attach the AxioPrisa and position on the patient.

After the three basic scan procedures, you’re your AXP scan. Scan the upper occlusal surface, the sagittal rod and the square landing pattern.
This pattern of the transfer fork assembly is used by the software to match the relations between the patient upper jaw position and reference plane.
The single use transfer fork (Axiojig) is made of a FDA proven and CE certified material.


Load all files and match them in the AxioPrisa-Software.
The upper and lower scan get now an anatomically correct position in the digital articulator.
One priority of our software was a self-explaining and delegable workflow for a daily base use.


Optional: This is the final step.
Mount digitally your models for analogue use in the articulator. The Axiosnapmount system allows you to generate small printed models which can be attached to the articulator with a combination of mounting plate and distance block.

Available for

Get your AXP now!

Take a look into our shop!

Start saving time and money asap by integrating AxioPrisa into your digital workflow.
AXP-adapters for various facebow brands are in progress.

Check our continuous inventions and promotions.


If you have any further questions, please don’t hesitate to contact us.
We are pleased to answer your questions.